Week 3 - MBA 6601 - Blog Post 1 - Chapter 3: Surfing the Tsunami

Robots and AI Taking Over Jobs: What to Know | Built In

In chapter 3 of "Riding the Tsunami" by Todd Kelsey, readers are focusing on the Joc market and considering the impact AI has made. It emphasizes the three perspectives: optimistic, pessimistic, and realist. Readers are urged to be a realist and look at the proof, the data, that is available showcasing the profound impact made on job market. Data is urged to be questioned and thought upon. Readers should be thinking is the data showing me all the angles of my research, is it superficial or is it even reliable. (Kelsey, 2018)

Kelsey begins with the optimist, the one who focuses on the good. Optimists may want to question if the work of AI may be faster than older digital technologies or if AI would be able to create short term or more long term job opportunities for people. Readers could even raise the thought that should more people be willing to learn about the evolving nature of AI itself and how adapting to the nature and upcoming technology of AI could impact the already existing jobs themselves. (Kelsey, 2018)

Furthermore, Kelsey then goes into the discussion of the pessimist. When a reader is pessimisstic some may ask if the AI technology is going to take away more jobs than create new ones for people. Should people learn more about AI and adapt to it or be scared that is may take over the enter job market. (Kelsey, 2018) Finally, Kelsey goes on the discussing the realist, those who act on the data the good and the bad parts. As both the views of the optimist and the pessimist are needed to get a good global view no the topic of the ever evolving nature of AI. (Kelsey, 2018)


Kelsey, T. (2018). Chapter 1. In Surfing the tsunami. essay, Todd Kelsey. 


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